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Wednesday, February 22, 2006

The Final Battle(part 2 of 2)

This is it, the sparks are going to fly. Galvatron has drained Prime of his power and sends him 3000 feet to the ground. It is then that Optimus discovers not only did the Decepticons survive, but so did Sky-byte and the Predacons. All the Autobots make short work of them. Galvatron proceeds to destroy the Autobots one by one. With the help of Magnus, Prime escapes to the remains of the space-bridge. Prime requests that Magnus help him one more time. As Omega Prime, Prime and Magnus issue a final fight between themselves and Galvatron, and lure him to the Earths core. Galvatron easily wipes the floor with Omega. Koji realises his friends are in danger and calls on the help of every child on the planet to restore Fortress Maximus. When energised, Maximus sends his power to Omega, who uses the power to activate the Matrix blade for the true final battle...

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Red Alert

Red Alert is a valued doctor and science officer who has saved the lives of many Autobots. His quest to save lives has led him to find new ways to repair damaged circuitry. He has risked his life many times to retrieve wounded comrades during battles. An old friend of Optimus Prime, Red Alert was once a fierce and heroic fighter, until he was seriously wounded in battle and saw the preciousness of all life. But will this new battle reawaken his warrior's heart?

Hot Shot

Hot Shot is a young, heroic fighter who rushes into danger without regard to his own safety. He courageously charges into the middle of the fight to aid his friends in battle. He has taken charge in several battles, showing great leadership potential. But he needs the guidance of his elders before he can hope to lead the Autobots

Optimus Prime

Function: CommanderGroup: Autobot" Freedom is the right of all sentient beings. "
Optimus Prime is the leader of the Autobots. He is such a great leader because of his courage, leadership, strength, and most of all his bravery. In a battle with the Decepticons he doesn't stand in a safe place and order his fellow Autobots. Instead, Optimus Prime is the first Autobot in the battle. He is feared by all of the Decepticons, even Megatron. This is because they know the power of Optimus Prime. Optimus Prime will do anything it takes to not let Megatron gain ultimate power, and I do mean anything!